Traditional Irish soda bread

Was there ever a cuter leprechaun, come on! Manny made this hat at school on Thursday.

To honor my heritage, and fulfill my craving for homemade bread, I decided to make traditional Irish Soda Bread. I first tried soda bread doing a service trip in the South Bronx in college. I fell in love with it. All soda breads I’ve tried since then have been loaded with currants or raisins. But according to The Society for the Preservation of Irish Soda Bread , traditionally, this bread contains only flour, salt, baking soda, and buttermilk. That’s it!

I didn’t have buttermilk so I made it by souring the milk with white vinegar.

I decided to use my Dutch oven instead of using a cake pan as the recipe called for.

This guy approves.

I ate mine with butter and Bonne Maman raspberry preserves. Then I ate too many pieces. I hope there’s some left by the time Jim gets home from work tonight. I will definitely be making it again soon. It was super easy. The texture of this bread is more like that of a biscuit. Try it this weekend, you won’t be disappointed! Recipe here.
