A beautiful wedding, a first day of preschool, and a broken toe

Not in that order, but that’s what’s been going on around here lately! We’re back from the weekend we spent in New York celebrating my brother and new sister-in-law’s amazingly beautiful wedding weekend. I’m wiped out in the best way possible. We had a great time. My family does weddings from the ground up. My mom and I, along with lots of help from other family members cooked the food for 233 guests. It was a ton of fun and a ton of work, but the food was delicious! We made roast beef, baked chicken, roasted veggie lasagna. Oh, and salad. She also made about a bazillion cookies. I’ll post a pic later of the cookies. Fortunately I didn’t have a hand in those. I am a lousy decorator and have no patience for frosting or food coloring, but my rockstar mom has both. The pictures from the wedding are courtesy of K Davis Photography. Manny was a ring bearer along with my nephews (left to right), Emory and Declan. Sister Girl was a flower girl with cousin of the bride Genevieve. More to come!

On Friday night, 30 minutes before we were supposed to leave to go to the rehearsal, I stubbed my toe and broke it. This is it. Is it weird I am posting a picture of my poor bruised and mangled toe? Sorry if it disgusts you. A broken pinky toe is no joke! It hurts and it seriously interfered with my dance moves over the weekend. Oh well! I still had a great time!

Boy that’s ugly, especially compared to the adorable wedding pics!

Manny had his first day of school this morning! He was an old pro walking in, blowing me a kiss as he waved goodbye. He’s growing up too fast!


One thought on “A beautiful wedding, a first day of preschool, and a broken toe

  1. Jessica says:

    Oh my gosh Bridge, the toe part reminded me of your bridal shower and my toe incident!!! Too funny (not that you broke your toe – the reminder and all). I hope you are doing okay and it has put you under the weather too much. The wedding pics are beautiful!!! Glad you had a great time!!!

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